
Do not Remember their Sacrifice on Remembrance Day / Veterans Day

November 11, 2011 by  

…instead honour their virtue in fighting for their lives, liberty, and property.


One Response to “Do not Remember their Sacrifice on Remembrance Day / Veterans Day”

  1. Mike Spencer on November 24th, 2011 5:37 pm

    I agree with you that sacrifice is not a virtue. But I don’t buy your argument that Canadians were fighting for “life, liberty & property”. Their life & property was in Canada, not Europe. There liberty was living freely in their hometown, not taking orders from a military boss. They most certainly did sacrifice…their nine-to five jobs, their time with their kids, sex with their wives, their hobbies & interests, etc. They were willing to kill mostly innocent people because their government & churches had taught them that that was their duty. Rand, who I otherwise respect, also had this blind spot when it comes to the military.

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