Just the Tax Ma'am
June 6, 2008 by Paul McKeever
The National Post’s Colby Cosh today wrote a column in which he takes for granted the idea that wealth needs to be redistributed to save the environment from…well…something, and plunges into discussing which is better: a cap and trade system, or a carbon tax.
I replied as follows:
A sales tax is a tax on carbon. The more fuel a person consumes, and the higher its price, the more tax is collected.
We have sales taxes. We even have fuel taxes. We need more taxes like we need a hole in our ozone.
This is especially the case when the whole CO2-driven global warming idea is supported not by convincing physical evidence, but by a tally of hands; a hatred of industrial progress and capitalism; a desire (in cases like Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May) to reject reason and knowledge so that we can get “back” into a Garden of Eden (the existence of which she takes literally); and far too many ads featuring once-upon-a-time genetics scientist (not environment scientist) David Suzuki stealing our property, rummaging through our beer fridge, and bad-mouthing us to our kids while snuggled up with them in a tree house.
But if we must have a carbon tax, let it be on the CO2 blurted out of the mouths of our politicians and their enablers in the press. A dollar a word should do the trick.
Paul McKeever
Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario
Dic mihi solum facta, domina.
Scene from “The Great Global Warming Swindle”
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