Why political philosophy, by itself, fails
February 24, 2016 by Paul McKeever · Comments Off on Why political philosophy, by itself, fails
A facebook friend of mine asked how a teacher can impress upon a politics/philosophy student the importance of not treating political philosophy as a stand-alone, self-sufficient thing; the importance of knowing the philosophical underpinnings of one’s political philosophy. I responded as follows:
Teacher: What is your view of politics/economics?
Student: I’m in favour of capitalism.
Teacher: What if I told you that capitalism is evil, because your highest value is your death, your highest virtue is obedience to the will of God, and your highest purpose is to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others? Read more
Creed of the Celebrity-trial Watcher
February 5, 2016 by Paul McKeever · Comments Off on Creed of the Celebrity-trial Watcher
Whoever loses, I will never forget: it was the lawyer’s fault. It was the lawyer’s fault that the legislators drafted the Code the way they did. It was the lawyer’s fault that the judge/jury interpreted the law they way they did. It was the lawyer’s fault that witnesses lied, or had a bad recollection or inconsistent testimony. It was the lawyer’s fault that there was no evidence, or that the judge allowed something into evidence, or refused to do so. Whatever I do, I will be sure to reject the idea that…justice prevailed.