Top Ayn Rand ad hominems: a guide for the misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and otherwise ignorant
April 17, 2017 by Paul McKeever · Comments Off on Top Ayn Rand ad hominems: a guide for the misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and otherwise ignorant
You may never have heard of Ayn Rand before. She was (and remains) an incredibly successful novelist. She authored numerous books that regularly appear in must-read lists in North American high school curricula including “Anthem”, “The Fountainhead”, and “Atlas Shrugged”. The latter was once ranked as the second-most influential book in existence, next to the bible. Read more
Why you’re a target of “soul destroyers” at work
April 4, 2017 by Paul McKeever · Comments Off on Why you’re a target of “soul destroyers” at work
A friend of mine asked “At your workplace, do the happy people become targets for the soul destroyers? Why is that?” I replied as follows.
Okay, you caught my attention with that one.