An Open Letter to Ontario’s MPPs, from Paul McKeever
September 12, 2018 by Paul McKeever · Comments Off on An Open Letter to Ontario’s MPPs, from Paul McKeever
Dear Honourable Member:
Re: Notwithstanding Clause and Bill 5 (Better Local Government Act, 2018)
Today, you will face howls of protest from a Toronto Establishment that has suddenly found it convenient to cast you in the role of enemy of justice and democracy. Specifically, they seek to demonize anyone who votes in favour of a bill that would use the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms‘ notwithstanding clause to immunize it from potential mis-application of the Charter. As the leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario, and as a practising lawyer of some 21 years, I am writing to explain to you why the demonizers are in the wrong, and why voting in favour of the legislation actually will render you the better defender of individual freedom and democracy, as well as a defender of the reputation of the administration of justice. I will enumerate my arguments for easy reference. Read more