McKeever’s Minimal Maxims and Bon Arrows, Volume 2, Issue 4
August 30, 2012 by Paul McKeever
One’s collection of skipping records gets larger as one ages. Skip…skip…skip…ski…sk…s….
Worse: One eventually learns that one got said skipping records at a flea market, and that they’ve never been anything but skipping records, since time immemorial.
Worst: nobody around me seems to hear the damned things skipping.
As soon as “bad” meant both “good” and “bad”, dictionaries became irrelevant, and freedom included slavery.
A socialist leader’s virtue is the ability to shrink, not to grow.
If nobody ever knew your name, you were never alive in the first place. We build the souls we leave behind. Build one that will stand the test of time. – Note to a friend.
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