Re: Tories get edge on Grits (June 14, 2006)
June 16, 2006 by Paul McKeever
Letter to Editor
Toronto Sun
On the Sun Media-Leger poll data reported in your paper yesterday, Dalton McGuinty received a positive rating from 38% of the 860 people who knew him; John Tory received a positive rating from 48% of the 640 people who knew him. Therefore, when all 1000 people polled are taken into account, approximately 32.7% of them gave McGuinty a favourable rating, whereas 30.7% gave Tory a favourable rating. Yet your apparently PC-friendly paper led the report with a patently false byline that stated “Conservative Leader far more popular than premier”. There are lies, there are darned lies, and there are the things one can read in your paper, I suppose.
Paul McKeever
Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario
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