Do not Remember their Sacrifice on Remembrance Day / Veterans Day
November 11, 2011 by Paul McKeever
…instead honour their virtue in fighting for their lives, liberty, and property.
November 11, 2011 by Paul McKeever
…instead honour their virtue in fighting for their lives, liberty, and property.
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Copyright © 2008 Paul McKeever · Revolution Magazine theme by Brian Gardner · Log in
I agree with you that sacrifice is not a virtue. But I don’t buy your argument that Canadians were fighting for “life, liberty & property”. Their life & property was in Canada, not Europe. There liberty was living freely in their hometown, not taking orders from a military boss. They most certainly did sacrifice…their nine-to five jobs, their time with their kids, sex with their wives, their hobbies & interests, etc. They were willing to kill mostly innocent people because their government & churches had taught them that that was their duty. Rand, who I otherwise respect, also had this blind spot when it comes to the military.