Reality Check: Ontario's Liberals and Progressive Conservatives on Global Warming and Climate Change
January 6, 2011 by Paul McKeever
Many in Ontario believe – or want you to believe – that the provincial Liberals believe climate change to be the result of anthropogenic global warming, and that the Progressive Conservatives deny both anthropogenic global warming and climate change. They believe – or want you to believe – that Ontario’s Liberals want to reduce CO2 emissions in an effort to fight global warming, but that Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives oppose restrictions on CO2 emissions. As the official record quoted in this article will demonstrate, both beliefs are false, but one other official party in Ontario provides hope to voters who have not been drinking from Al Gore’s Kool-Aid pitcher.
The Ontario Legislature website includes a searchable, online version of Hansard – the full text of every word said in the Ontario Legislature – over the entire period beginning April 21, 1981. In preparing a 2011 election plank for Freedom Party of Ontario (of which I am currently the party leader), I read – in full context – every single instance of the phrase “global warming” and every instance of the phrase “climate change” (though I will say that, when it came to the sheer volume of some of the less succinct MPPs – hello Peter Tabuns – my purposes allowed me to skim their eco-sermons: I was more interested in what the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives had said about global warming and climate change…Tabuns, like former MPP Marilyn Churley – another person of the eco-cloth – is a member of Ontario’s lunatic fringe trade unionist socialist party, the NDP). I share with you, now, the reasonably noteworthy results of that effort.
Let us begin with a few quick but interesting facts. In the period commencing April 21, 1981, the first mention of the phrase “global warming” was made on January 12, 1989 in a question put to the Minister of Natural Resources by one Charles Tatham. Tatham, a Liberal, was the MPP for the riding of Oxford. The exchange, excerpted below, sheds some light on the degree to which the Legislature and government were thinking about such concepts as global warming and “the greenhouse effect”:
Mr. Tatham: Our first responsibility is to the earth, its preservation and its enhancement. We have all read stories in the press telling us about the global warming trend. Recently, a policy research group said that planting trees is the most beneficial and cost-effective option to slow the increase of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Trees naturally consume carbon dioxide, store it and convert it into wood.
What are we doing at the provincial level to ensure that trees can form part of our defence against the global warming trend?
Hon. Mr. Kerrio: The member for Oxford presents a very timely question as it relates to the greenhouse effect. I recently watched a program on television by one of the astronauts, and he was pointing out that indeed Mother Earth has a very thin veil of atmospheric protection in relation to the distance it goes out beyond what we understand as the ground level.
We are certainly working to utilize all the potential we have to absorb carbon dioxide and we believe that the forests do indeed play a very important role. As a member of the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, we had a presentation in western Canada last year about the greenhouse effect. I am very pleased to say that we are following up on initiatives I think will be very helpful: protecting our forests from fire — we spent some $50 million last year to do that; planting some 160 million trees, the most ever in Ontario.
Those are the kinds of things we are doing. We are looking into the cloning of trees; we are looking into a progression of trees that will grow faster. Indeed, we are doing a great deal to make certain that our forests are part of the protection of the atmosphere that is being threatened.
The first mention of the phrase “climate change” was made almost a decade later, on October 7, 1998…by a Progressive Conservative: Elizabeth Witmer (who continues to be a Progressive Conservative MPP to this day). Interestingly, she brought it up in a response not to a question about temperature, but in response to a question about air quality, and she was quick to give the Suzuki Foundation the status of being a leader:
Mr Gerard Kennedy (York South): …The Suzuki foundation and the NAFTA environmental agency both told us that we have hospital admissions and 6,000 deaths a year attributable to pollution that is unchecked and uncontrolled under your government…what is the plan that you’ll be bringing to Halifax to ensure that the environment doesn’t inflict more damage on the health of Ontarians?
Hon Elizabeth Witmer (Minister of Health):…I can certainly tell you on behalf of the minister that this government is very committed to protecting and improving Ontario’s air quality. They are doing everything at the ministry, in conjunction with the stakeholders, in order that they can very aggressively tackle the problem of air quality issues.
We also appreciate the leadership that has been taken by the Suzuki foundation in bringing forward to the public’s attention, because we think that is very important, the health effects of air pollution and climate change.
During the 1990 to 1995 NDP government of Bob Rae, Ontario’s Liberals were the official opposition and Ontario’s current premier, Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty, was for a time the Liberal party’s Environment critic and Energy critic. He began making regular references to global warming on April 25, 1991:
Dalton McGuinty: …There are problems associated with burning of fossil fuels. When I talk about fossil fuels I am talking about oil, coal and gas. As we all know, there is carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of those fuels. These lead to the production of global warming, which is arguably the greatest environmental problem we face today…We are eagerly anticipating the minister’s release of the white paper on global warming and regulations to the Energy Efficiency Act, the matter addressing carbon dioxide emissions. We are looking forward to a rebate program for fuel-efficient cars…
On December 11, 1997, none other than Progressive Conservative leader Mike Harris, while Premier of Ontario, implicitly defended his party’s belief that global warming is due to human CO2 emissions, and his party’s commitment to fighting global warming. He was responding to a question about the Kyoto Accord:
Hon Michael D. Harris (Premier): …I’m very proud of Canada’s commitment to global warming; I’m very proud of Canada’s commitment to reduction of gas emissions; I’m very proud of Minister Sterling, who undoubtedly, from all reports, has led the way for Canada, shaped the policy, taken the world by storm. In fact, all the reports I’ve had back [from the Kyoto meeting] are that it’s Ontario, Ontario, Ontario, and Norm Sterling, [Progressive Conservative MPP] Norm Sterling that have led the world in this.
Incidentally, Norm Sterling, who is still a sitting Progressive Conservative MPP to this day, became the second MPP to use the phrase “climate change” when, on December 1, 1998, he confirmed – as Progressive Conservative Minister of the Environment and Government House Leader – that climate change not only exists, but is something to which a government must respond: “The reports that are coming out now with regard to the environmental quality of our air and our water say that in spite of the climate change challenges we are facing, the air in Ontario is cleaner today than it was in 1994-95.”
Now, admittedly, these early quotations are pretty thin gruel. One might – on the basis of those quotations alone – claim that Harris’ statement was a bit ambiguous and equivocal, that Witmer was/is an environmental oddball within the Progressive Conservative caucus, or that – despite the approving nods to Kyoto – the Progressive Conservatives were not conceding climate change to be caused by man-made emissions. However, as I will proceed to show you, such claims would not be in accord with the record. I have collected almost thirty pages of excerpts (about four or five excerpts per page) from Hansard in which a considerable number of both Progressive Conservatives and Liberals make it clear that they support the idea that man-made emissions of greenhouse gases are causing global warming that will result in catastrophe. In support of my case, I include, below, some of the more noteworthy quotations of Liberal and Progressive Conservative MPPs, most of whom are still sitting in our Legislature. My conclusions follow thereafter.
Premier Dalton McGuinty : “On the matter of the Kyoto accord, you should know that is something we support without reservation. We believe global warming is real. We believe we owe it to our kids to be part of the solution put forward by the Kyoto accord.” (October 22, 2002). “We’ve reduce our reliance on coal by 17%…carbon dioxide, which obviously contributes to climate change, by 15%.” (December 19, 2006). “…the single greatest challenge facing humanity at the beginning of the 21st century, which is climate change. (May 17, 2007). “…the single greatest challenge faced by humanity…which is climate change and global warming.” (December 5, 2007). “We have an aggressive, ambitious yet highly achievable climate change plan, which is devoted to assuming our responsibility as global citizens in the face of a global challenge, which is climate change.” (December 11, 2007).
Dwight Duncan (then Minister of Energy, Government House Leader): “…In addition to health damages, emissions from coal-fired generation also cause environmental damages such as greenhouse gas emissions, which are subject to the Kyoto treaty on climate change…” (April 27, 2005). “I can assure you that climate change is not made up.” (November 20, 2006).
Leona Dombrowsky (then Minister of the Environment): “This is what the Sierra Club has said about Ontario’s performance on the climate change file and improving air quality. They’ve indicated that the closing of the Lakeview coal-fired plant is a significant step for Canada in fighting climate change…” (June 13, 2005; NOTE: see October 17, 2002 quotation of Progressive Conservative MPP Elizabeth Witmer, and June 21, 2006 quotation of Laurie Scott, below).
Laurel C. Broten (then Minister of the Environment): “…those twin demons of the 21st century: air pollution and global warming…Climate change is, in simple terms, a major threat to the sustainability of our quality of life. Its effects will be felt gradually and then rapidly in many different ways. If we do not act decisively, climate change and our trans-boundary pollution will erode our health, our environment and our economy…” (February 16, 2006). “Let me be loud and clear: This government supports the Kyoto Protocol” (June 5, 2006). “Air pollution and climate change are the two most critical environmental issues of our time.” (June 6, 2006).
Phil McNeely: “Climate change has become a reality…Unless we do something to reverse this trend, this would soon become a very dangerous place to live.” (September 25, 2006). ” ‘I have seen the enemy and it is us.’ It is sad when we can point to ourselves as our own worst enemy…but we are quickly destroying this earth for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. Climate change is here, and we are in denial.” (October 5, 2006). “On another climate change initiative, it is proven that trees act as an effective sink for carbon dioxide, which we known is the leading contributor to global climate change.” (November 3, 2010)
Jeff Leal on April 3, 2007: “When you take the time to look at Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, about climate change, and take the opportunity to read his book on the same issue, which I think should be mandatory in every elementary school across the province to study, you know that Mother Earth is changing quite rapidly.”
Kathleen O. Wynne (then Minister of Education) on May 1, 2007: “We’re sending the message to youth that by taking collective action to conserve energy and reduce their environmental footprint, they can make a difference in combating climate change. This is another way that Ontario is educating, engaging and inspiring Ontario’s next generation of environmental leaders.”
John Gerretsen (Minister of the Environment): “Of course, the defining issue, I suppose-not only within the environmental community, but the defining issue of our time-is the one relating to climate change, where we as a society, not only here in Ontario, in North America and in Canada but throughout the world, simply have to lower those greenhouse gas emissions. Because the science is in: If we don’t do something about it, the world that we know today simply will not be here for our children and grandchildren to enjoy 50 or 60 years from now…So we’re working on the climate change plan…It’s all intended for only one purpose, and that is to reduce those greenhouse gas emissions.”
Laura Albanese on March 17, 2008: “Because this government knows that we don’t inherit the earth but, in fact, borrow it from our children and grandchildren, we’re working hard to tackle the greatest threat to our environment: climate change.”
Khalil Ramal on February 25, 2009: “Everything around us is mixed up because we throw a lot of dirt in the air, mess up our air and make it less clean and also warmer. Therefore, our duty and obligation is to do something about it.”
Mike Colle, on September 22, 2008: “…we all want to do the right thing environmentally and we all want to save our planet from global warming, but it’s not done without pain and suffering.”
Premier Mike Harris: “We’ve aggressively tackled air quality, including climate change and smog, through transboundary air pollution initiatives.” (June 20, 2001).
Dan Newman (former MPP, then Minister of the Environment): “These include all emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide, which contribute to smog, acid rain and climate change.” (April 20, 2000). “We are aggressively tackling air quality issues, including climate change…” (October 3, 2000). “…Ontario is firmly committed to do its part to combat climate change…” (October 12, 2000).
Doug Galt (former MPP): “Also, addressing climate change, Ontario is a leader.” (November 15, 2000).
Toby Barrett: “…[Our Progressive Conservative government has] announced unprecedented initiatives to clean up Ontario’s air and to address the issue of global climate change.” (October 24, 2000). “In Calgary last year, energy use actually spiked during Earth Hour, and we don’t want a repeat of that here, hence my call for this government to boost it a bit and take a bit more leadership on “no power during Earth Hour.” (March 26, 2009). “Because climate change represents a global problem, it requires a global solution and international action…. So when we read the preamble to this bill-and I do say it is quite appropriate to have that phrase in there that climate change, global warming, is attributed to human activities…” (September 14, 2009). “As the member from Thornhill indicated, we, as the opposition, support the ever-important climate change initiatives.” (September 29, 2009). “I used to teach environmental science, and climate change-the greenhouse effect-was part of my curriculum. That was 1969, and here I am.” (October 29, 2009).
Garfield Dunlop: “…During the past year, we took a number of key actions to improve Ontario’s air quality and to address climate change.” (November 15, 2000).
Elizabeth Witmer (then Minister of the Environment): “…To protect Ontario’s air quality and meet the province’s existing commitments to reduce emissions, the government will propose an Ontario air quality and climate change strategy. (May 2, 2001). “At our recent national meetings on climate change in Winnipeg, all governments expressed concern with the unknowns of global climate change and the need for emission reductions. Transit expansion in Ontario is a good step toward responding to this global issue.” (September 27, 2001). “…our Premier has made it quite clear that we do support taking very positive, concrete action on climate change. We’re very committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions…We were the ones that announced that Lakeview would cease burning coal in 2005…” (October 17, 2002). “I’m very pleased to join the debate on the Ontario Climate Change Act, 2007, which is intended to provide for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the province of Ontario. Certainly we support the bill in principle…We do believe in a very-well-thought-out, proactive plan to address climate change now, not later…I can assure you that John Tory and a PC caucus would develop a plan of action. As I say, we agree with the establishment of clear targets and we would be prepared to compare our plan to the Liberal plan of inaction and lack of leadership at any time as we move forward.” (April 12, 2007).
Ms. Laurie Scott (former MPP): “I’m pleased to rise today to mark the anniversary of the Kyoto agreement, which entered into force on February 16, 2005.” (February 16, 2006). “We need to act now to stop global warming by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. The minister has described the efforts to reduce greenhouse gases as the greatest environmental challenge of our generation and I tend to agree…The bill is a great example of a key industry stepping up to the plate as a willing partner to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce consumption of fossil fuel. Together, we can all reduce greenhouse gases.” (June 1, 2006). “Surprisingly, to the people across, it was my colleague Elizabeth Witmer and our government that made the decision to close the Lakeview plant in Mississauga in 2001. In the future, please feel free to credit Mrs. Witmer and the Conservative government when you go around flaunting your 33% decrease in toxic emissions.” (June 21, 2006). “Bill 139 — making April 21 Climate Change Awareness Day — is an idea that is good.” (October 5, 2006). “John Tory and the PC caucus fully support the goal of reducing energy consumption and the government’s taking the lead to fight for climate change in Ontario. We presented a comprehensive plan with real action and real targets…” (May 8, 2007). “John Tory is a true leader, who has presented a plan on climate change with real targets and a real plan to deliver on those targets.” (May 31, 2007). “What a reduction in fuel consumption means is quite straightforward. I know we’ve talked a lot about climate change in the Legislature, even today with the environmental industry being here. That is certainly something that will decrease greenhouse gas emissions and help our climate.” (April 15, 2008).
Ted Arnott: “…we need to do more to promote amongst the people of Ontario the need for greater action to deal with climate change, and that recognizing April 21 each year as Climate Change Awareness Day will to some degree help to move towards that objective… I think it is fair to say that whether you look at it as climate change or global warming, it is a real concern of many people in the province of Ontario. Certainly, it’s a huge concern for many people in Waterloo-Wellington; I’m amongst those people. The preponderance of scientific evidence seems to suggest that human activity in recent years is at least accelerating this change, if not a contributing factor. So obviously it’s something that we all have to be concerned about, any of us who care about the future…” (October 5, 2006). “Earlier this week, the Leader of the Opposition and the member for Haliburton-Victoria-Brock demonstrated real leadership on the environment by outlining a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…My own views on the environment are motivated by my belief that we have a moral obligation to leave our children and grandchildren a better world. We know that the earth is warming. The vast majority of scientists who have studied climate change believe that the burning of fossil fuels and the resultant release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are significant contributing factors to global warming. Many believe that we must dramatically reduce these greenhouse gas emissions or we will imperil future generations.
I believe it is prudent to conclude that humankind must adapt and attempt to minimize the ecological impacts of our activities.” (April 18, 2007). “Today in question period, the Premier told us that Bill 150 is “fundamentally about new jobs. It’s about clean, green electricity and it’s about fighting climate change.” Noble thoughts and goals we all embrace.” (February 25, 2009). “In my mind, there’s no question that an effective and coordinated response to the challenge, and indeed, as I said earlier today, the emergency, of climate change is in the public interest today. Years ago in this House, I was one of the first in our caucus to acknowledge publicly that climate change was a fact, that the preponderance of scientific opinion was concluding that human activities and the release of greenhouse gases were contributing factors to climate change, and that these were facts beyond dispute.” (September 14, 2009).
Jim Wilson: “If you live on Georgian Bay or in Wasaga Beach like I do, you see the effects of climate change every day.” (October 5, 2006).
Peter Shurman:“The first thing I want to do is go on record and say that Conservatives are not natively deniers of climate change, deniers of global warming, uncaring about pollution. We know that we have these problems to address and we want to address them…I want to make a point perfectly clear: Number one, I know very well all of my colleagues in my caucus, and I can tell you that we are just as passionate about climate change, global warming, greenhouse gases, as the holier-than-thou NDP is.” (September 29, 2009).
Tim Hudak – the current leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative party – is also on the record with respect to global warming and climate change. His comments appeared in a 2007 Progressive Conservative Party media release:
Hudak applauds PC Plan for Environment; Policy calls for Ontario to be leader on climate change
Wed, 04/18/2007 – 07:00
QUEEN’S PARK – Erie-Lincoln MPP Tim Hudak is applauding the Progressive Conservative Party’s plan for the environment, unveiled Monday by party leader John Tory, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario.
Under Dalton McGuinty, Ontario has had no target whatsoever for the reduction of greenhouse emissions. John Tory and the Ontario PCs have not only set an aggressive target but have outlined a path to reaching it if elected this October, Hudak said.
“The effect of greenhouse emissions on our environment and our health is a real problem that requires real solutions,” Hudak said. “A PC government will significantly reduce those emissions by setting challenging reduction targets and leading by example to reach those goals.”
A PC government will set a target of reducing emissions 10 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, matching British Columbia which has set the toughest targets in all of Canada. The PC plan also sets a long-term goal of a 60 per cent reduction in emissions below 1990 levels to 72 megatonnes by 2050. Tory also promised to create a provincial environmental scorecard to measure progress.
Hudak said the PC government will lead by example in the fight to reduce greenhouse gases by:
– Eliminating higher-emission government vehicles faster than currently planned, replacing them with new higher-standard models.
-Purchasing more green power for government use.
-Ensuring all new government buildings are at least 30 per cent more energy efficient than they are today.
-Adopting higher energy-efficient standards for all government appliances from computers to light bulbs.
-Changing government labour policies to reduce energy use during peak periods.
“The McGuinty government has done next to nothing to reduce greenhouse gasses over the past four years,” Hudak said. “We need action today for the benefit of our children and our grandchildren tomorrow.”
Hudak said Tory’s announcement yesterday keeps in line with the PC partys legacy of environmental protection that has included the creation of: the Ministry of the Environment, the Niagara Escarpment Commission, the Oak Ridges Moraine, the Living Legacy Trust/Lands for Life, the Drive Clean program, and Waste Diversion Ontario.
For more information on John Tory’s announcement and the PC’s environment policy, log on to the Ontario PC Party website at
Cheri DiNovo: “The other issue that I want to point out environmentally is that we’re not going to have any species if we don’t do something about climate change…We’ve all seen An Inconvenient Truth; we all know the plight of species like the polar bear.” (May 16, 2007). “One of the major causes, if not the major cause, of climate change in this country is too much driving. A friend of mine in the environmental movement said we should all feel a little guilty whenever we put gas in our cars. No kidding.” (September 16, 2010)
In reality, Ontario’s Liberals and Progressive Conservatives have both expressed unequivocal belief in the idea that man-made CO2 is causing global warming that will result in catastrophic climate change. And, in reality, both the Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives have argued that government must fight climate change by imposing restrictions on made-made CO2 emissions. Indeed, given the relatively small number of Progressive Conservative MPPs in our Legislature, a much higher percentage of Progressive Conservative MPPs is on the record as true believers, as compared to Liberals.
So, are there any parties in Ontario that do not believe climate change to be the result of anthropogenic global warming? Are there any that do not want to reduce CO2 emissions in an effort to fight global warming? Yes, but there is only one: Freedom Party of Ontario. And, to assist you in verifying that fact, I quote myself below. I made the statements quoted below in my capacity as Leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario, which I remain to this day.
“The political agendas – varying, warring, political agendas – interfere with the rational pursuit of the truth. So, what gets the headlines? Well, it’s that ‘The House is Burning Down’, not that ‘Better Wiring Would Prevent a Fire’. In this case, I think there is a combination of forces. There are those who are ill-advised; those who are pushing an agenda for a more agrarian society, and ‘if this is the way to get it, then, all the better’. There are downright anti-capitalists who just don’t like rich people benefiting from making lots of cars and having lots of money while the rest of us…so they would want to see those factories shut down, and that we should all live off the land and eat berries and hunt moose. There is not one group. There is a radical left; there’s a centre; there’s the mass public, who are just the victims of all of this propaganda; and then there are the scientists who fall into two camps – each side trying to be heard – and I don’t think that, necessarily, the ones who are preaching all of the knowledge get heard. We get to hear that carbon is the enemy, and that’s all we get to hear. Carbon, of course, is connected with production, production is associated with wealth. And, so, you combine a little bit of unusually warm winter weather with a movie by a former Vice-President, and suddenly all heck breaks loose, and it’s easy to sell just about any green agenda…There are a few things that I think at least policy makers have to pay attention to. One, all of the fever about this issue can drive people to say ‘Look, we don’t know that it won’t lead to a catastrophe and we can’t afford to take that chance, so – just in case there’s a catastrophe waiting – we have to do something‘. That is foolish policy making. That’s not a basis for policy making. The only time a policy should be made is when there is evidence that a problem exists, and there is evidence that the solution you have in mind will work. There is no evidence right now that any of the plans we’ve been seeing proposed – especially Kyoto – will have any effect on (a) the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, or (b) global warming. The jury is not out yet on whether man’s contribution to CO2 levels is actually causing global warming or whether this is actually just part of a natural long-term trend.” (February 1, 2007 – appearance on On the Line with Christine Williams, CTS)
“The fight against global warming is one of the biggest threats facing mankind right now…the fight itself – against industrialism, against production, the whole idea of rationing electricity rather than producing more of it – I think these are all things that gravely threaten North American society…When you can get people scared about anything – we see this in the United States…fears abound in the United States concerning attacks like happened on 9/11 – that is a very big motivating factor when you are trying to encourage people to surrender some of their freedoms. I think, likewise, when you tell people that, guess what, you’re going to overheat the earth if you keep doing what you’re doing, it becomes very easy to do things like: redistribute wealth on a global scale, make places that were formerly vibrant economies into economies that are rationing; voluntarily putting their heads in nooses…I think there are legitimate things to address; things for which there is obvious physical evidence – like smog, pollution – those things have to be addressed. But when the fact is that, ‘oh yes, there’s a correlation between temperature – historical temperature – and C02 levels, but it turns out that it’s the other way around’ – that the heat precedes the CO2 increase by 800 years – then I say, well, the people who have been telling us that it was the other way around – that CO2 is causing increases in temperature – are trying to pull the wool over our eyes, I no longer believe them on the science, and I have to then suspect they’re on a political mission, not a scientific one.” (August 10, 2007 – appearance on On the Line with Christine Williams, CTS)
There is a formula being used here.
The liberal makes assertions which are designed to imply guilt, without actually submitting a single argument as to why this should be.
The tory then admits the faked guilt premises, and hastens to appease the liberal by speaking of how well their government is doing some of what the liberal wants.
On a major shopping street or in an evangelists meeting, this would quickly be recognised as a scam, the two sides being the straight man and the feeder, or the salesman and the plant, or the preacher and the disciple; we, the public, as for any example of card sharking, are the ‘marks’, the patsies.
We are supposed to see the actually total agreement of the political parties as some sort of debate, and so feel mollified when they pretend to argue, with a nod, nudge or wink that we can’t see, signalling their total unity against us.
These people are fakes, they are confidence tricksters, whose greatest encouragement has been that the despair engendered by peoples realisation that they are lying has actually made them safer.
In the end, it is the people who are delusional for not throwing them all out.
One of these days I’ll get the hang of the Gravatar thing too.