Of Marrying for Money and the Liberal Loop-hole
December 1, 2008 by Paul McKeever · 2 Comments
It’s an old theme, retold in many stories. Single meets Prospect who is not all that attractive or charming. Prospect is perfectly honest with Single. However, having misunderstood a conversation Single was listening-in on, Single thinks Prospect is (or is going to be) exceptionally rich. Single convinces him/herself that he/she loves Prospect. Prospect asks Single to marry him/her. Single accepts. They are to be wed. Single really believes he/she loves Prospect or, at least, he/she really wants to believe it. Then Single learns that Prospect is not rich – and is not going to be rich – after all. Not wanting to believe that his/her feelings toward Prospect were not genuine; not wanting to believe that he/she was, subconsciously, attracted by money, Single is torn about whether to go through with the wedding after all. If Single does marry Prospect, the marriage may very well amount to a life of loveless misery and guilt. If Single does not marry Prospect, Single will either have to lie to everyone about why he/she has changed her mind or he/she will face their condemnation and – worse – Single will have to conclude that he/she is a shallow person who is willing to marry not for love but for money. Ultimately, Single wishes he/she had never overheard the conversation that led him/her to believe that Prospect was rich.
Such is the nature of the current situation in Canadian federal politics. For those who find the news over the last couple of weeks to be a bit dizzying. Here’s the condensed version, with some comment, and with some recommended spin for the Conservatives and Liberals. Read more
Winning the Leaders "Debates"
October 1, 2008 by Paul McKeever · 2 Comments
In Canada, the leaders of Canada’s five largest federal political parties will participate in two televised leaders “debates” this week. Owing to the fact that Canada has had two official languages for the last few decades, questions and answers at the October 1st debate (8:00-10:00 PM EST) will be given in French; the English-language debate will occur on October 2 at 9:00-11:00 PM EST. What must each leader do to “win” these debates? Read more
Hors d'oeuvre: a Libertarian in the Lion's Den
August 28, 2008 by Paul McKeever · 4 Comments
Over at the Western Standard’s blog, it has been announced that the Libertarian Party of Canada’s newly-chosen leader has announced he will run against Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, in his Alberta riding of Calgary Southwest. Readers of my blog will know that I am not a libertarian and that I oppose libertarianism. However, because I do not believe a party can succeed in facilitating a freer society by bringing together people who oppose each other on matters of metaphysics, epistemology, or ethics, I do not hesitate to share my opinion on this matter publicly. In other words: I do not think this advice will help the libertarian movement, because nothing will, so I feel no need to keep quiet about the Libertarian Party leader’s decision. Read more
A Pre-fab Prime Ministerial Apology
August 7, 2008 by Paul McKeever · Leave a Comment
Dear Prime Minister,
So that the matter of outstanding apologies to the descendants of people long since offended and dead by people long since dead might be dealt with once and for all, I have prepared a kill-#-birds with one stone speech for your use: Read more